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Mail for Harry Potter fans



Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: What We’re Dying to Know

The biggest news item in Harry Potter literature is the new play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. It’s safe to say that all Harry Potter fans are excited about this new addition to the Harry Potter series; after all, many of us have been wishing for another installment of the Harry Potter story ever since Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was released 8 years ago in 2007. We’re all anxiously awaiting the play’s debut in July 2016. Of course, with our anticipation comes countless questions. Here are 6 questions to consider.
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10 Questions About the Books and the Greater Wizarding World

It’s no secret that we all love everything to do with Harry Potter, so it’s no surprise that we Harry Potter fans come up with hundreds of questions about the stories and the wizarding world as a whole. Here are just 10 of the countless questions we’ve probably all contemplated. Continue reading “10 Questions About the Books and the Greater Wizarding World”

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